Special Prosecutions Unit
The State’s Attorney’s Office is responsible for bringing theft, mortgage fraud, undue influence and financial exploitation of vulnerable adults, credit card misuse, and identity theft cases to trial in Prince George’s County Maryland District and Circuit Courts. The Prince George’s County Police Department’s Economics Crime Unit investigates these matters and can be reached at (301) 516-2907.
Matters involving civil disputes with business partners and among family members and matters involving HOAs require the parties to hire civil attorneys.
The Prince George’s County Maryland Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service (301)952-1440 will provide you with the names and phone numbers of local attorneys who handle these matters or a fee. https://www.pgcba.com/lawyer-referral-service/
Additionally, the Office of the Attorney General’s Office has a unit dedicated to assisting Maryland homeowners with HOA matters such as records access, fair elections, or open meetings. Consumer Fraud matters are addressed by the Maryland Office of the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division (301)386-6200.
E-mail: consumer@oag.state.md.us. https://www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov
Financial Crimes
Adults who are vulnerable to physical abuse and/or financial exploitation should contact the Prince George’s County Department of Social Services, Adult Protective Services at (301) 909-2228. Adult Protective Services will send an investigator to the vulnerable adult within 24 hours to conduct an investigation and will report any suspected criminal matters to the State’s Attorney’s Office for investigation and prosecution.
Federal Tax matters are handled by the United States Internal Revenue Service at 1-800-829-1040. https://www.irs.gov/ State tax matters are handled by the Maryland Comptroller’s Office. (301) 952-2810. https://www.marylandtaxes.gov/
The Federal Trade Commission has a Do Not Call Registry (www.FTC.gov) that permits you to have your phone numbers placed in the Registry which precludes telemarketers from calling you. https://www.donotcall.gov/
Stolen Mail and other matters involving the United States Postal Service are investigated by the Office of the United States Postal Inspector
1-877-876-2455. https://www.uspsoig.gov/
Motor Vehicle Fatalities
The Special Prosecutions Unit works with Collision Reconstruction Investigators from local law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute cases involving traffic fatalities and life-threatening injuries.
Investigations involving alcohol use, drug use, extreme speed, or other driving that creates a substantial risk to human life are indicted for Motor Vehicle Manslaughter, Homicide by Motor Vehicle while Under the Influence of or Impaired by Alcohol, and Causing Life-Threatening Injuries while Under the Influence or Impaired.
This unit also handles cases where drivers leave the scene of an accident involving death or serious physical injury. Collisions caused by simple negligence or those that are just accidents are handled by the District Court Division.
Environmental Crimes
Environmental Crimes works with county and state agency partners to investigate and prosecute crimes such as littering and dumping.
The Special Prosecutions Unit works with fire and explosives investigators from local and federal law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute offenses such as arson, attempted arson, and possession of a destructive device.