The Prince George's Collaborative to End Family Violence
There has been an increase in homicides related to family violence (siblings, parent and child, etc.) in recent years.
State’s Attorney Braveboy has formed a collaborative in conjunction with the Sheriff’s Department, the municipalities, resource providers and others to address the issue.
Educating the Community
The collaborative is focusing on educating the community and bringing awareness to Domestic Violence as more than just intimate partner relations. In conjunction with the sheriff's department and other partners we want to change our messaging to address the family side of domestic violence and work within the community to provide resources to those in need.
From 2022 to 2023 Domestic (Family) Violence homicides have rose from 14 to 22. One loss of life is too many, an increase of eight deaths is extreme. In 2023 the majority of the homicides were familiar, including, but not exclusive to, parents, & their children, siblings, and stepparents and children.
Family Violence Awareness
The Prince George's Collaborative to End Family Violence will delve into the family units to see what issues exist, with a strong focus on mental health support & counseling, substance abuse recovery, housing, employment opportunities, advocacy & other resources to help prevent violence in the home.

Family Violence Awareness Launch

The Prince George's collaborative to End Family Violence
Domestic Violence does not discriminate,
and in many cases, it leads to death.
Abusers can be siblings, parents, spouses, partners, or other related individuals in the home. Speaking up doesn't have to break up a family, it may save a life. Say HELP!
Office of the State's Attorney in partnership with The Office of the Sheriff, Prince George's County Municipal, and our Local Resource Providers is proud to share the launch of: The Prince George's Collaboration to End Family Violence.

Don't suffer in Silence, say HELP. Support resources are accessible for you, as well as for your friends and family who may need help.
Office of the Sheriff for Prince George's County, MD
Prince George's County Sheriff's Office: Provides law enforcement services related to domestic violence, including emergency response, and serving protective orders.
The Prince George's County Family Justice Center
Prince George’s County Family Justice Center provides comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence, including legal services, counseling, and advocacy.
House of Ruth MD
House of Ruth Maryland
Offers services to victims of domestic violence, including a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter, and counseling.
Mettle Works
Behavioral Health
Mettle-Works Behavioral Health, mission is to empower individuals to achieve holistic well-being by addressing the eight dimensions of wellness: emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, and spiritual.

Campaign Against Domestic Violence
The Prince George's Collaborative to End Family Violence


Additional Resources
Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence: Offers a directory of resources for victims of domestic violence in Maryland, including shelters, legal services, and counseling. Contact: 1-800-MD-HELPS. Website: https://mnadv.org/
Prince George’s County Family Justice Center: Provides comprehensive services to victims of domestic violence, including legal services, counseling, and advocacy. Contact: 301-780-8008. Website: Home - Prince George's County Family Justice Center (pgcfamilyjusticecenter.org)
House of Ruth Maryland: Offers services to victims of domestic violence, including a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter, and counseling. Contact: 410-889-7884. Website: https://hruth.org/
Prince George’s County Police Department Domestic Violence Unit: Investigates domestic violence cases and provides support to victims. Contact: 301-772-4710. Website: https://www.princegeorgescountymd.gov/2899/Domestic-Violence-Unit
Community Crisis Services Inc.: Provides counseling and advocacy services to victims of domestic violence. Contact: 301-731-1203. Website: Community Crisis Services, Inc.
Maryland Legal Aid: Offers legal services to victims of domestic violence, including representation in protective order cases. Contact: 800-845-8550. Website: https://www.mdlab.org/
National Domestic Violence Hotline: Provides crisis intervention and support to victims of domestic violence. Contact: 1-800-799-7233. Website: https://www.thehotline.org/
Laurel Advocacy and Referral Services: Offers counseling, advocacy, and emergency assistance to victims of domestic violence. Contact: 301-776-0442. Website: https://www.laureladvocacy.org/
Community Advocates for Family and Youth (CAFY): Provides counseling and support services to families affected by domestic violence. Contact: 301-390-4092. Website: https://www.cafy.org/
Tahirih Justice Center: Provides legal and social services to immigrant women and girls who are victims of domestic violence. Contact: 571-282-6161. Website: About Us - Tahirih Justice Center Tahirih Justice Center
University of Maryland Capital Region Health Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault: is a community-based program that promotes the physical and emotional well-being of victims throughout Prince George's County in a private and confidential medical setting. Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault | UM Capital Region Health (umms.org)
Prince George's County District Court: Handles protective orders and peace orders related to domestic violence. Contact: 301-298-4000. Website: https://www.courts.state.md.us/district/directories/courtmap.html?county=Prince%20George%27s
Prince George's County Circuit Court: Handles criminal cases related to domestic violence. Contact: 301-952-3655. Website: Circuit Court | Prince George's County Judicial, MD (princegeorgescourts.org)
Prince George's County State's Attorney's Office: Prosecutes domestic violence cases in court. Contact: 301-952-3500. Website: Home | PGSAO
Prince George's County Sheriff's Office: Provides law enforcement services related to domestic violence, including emergency response, and serving protective orders. Contact: 301-780-8600. Website: Sheriff | Prince George's County, MD (princegeorgescountymd.gov)
Prince George’s County Police Department: Provides law enforcement services related to domestic violence, including emergency response and investigation of domestic violence cases. Contact: 301-772-4710. Website: Police Department | Prince George's County, MD (princegeorgescountymd.gov)
Community Crisis Services, Inc.: Offers shelter and support services to victims of domestic violence. Contact: 301-731-1203. Website: Community Crisis Services, Inc.